The most expensive unit in the Undead Army project is finished!
Most expensive at this point of course, because there are still some wraiths waiting for paintjob and each of those floating bed sheets cost like half more then a single mummy! 😳
Anyway I am very glad to see this regiment finished. Also of all mummies done so far I am most satisfied of the three just finished. I think it's just because after painting 10 models I finally achieved more - less the effect I wanted. Besides on the last trio there was almost no "useless" painting, like shading / highlighting which turned out barely seen or not seen at all in the end. Only few necessary layers on each element. The simplier - the better as always.
It's should become my life motto or something... 🤔
It's should become my life motto or something... 🤔
And also there's a little story behind two models wearing crowns (which in my opinion are the very best sculpts of all Gary Morley's mummies). These two were the first mummies I got second hand at the beginning of my Warhammer adventure. Yet in high school I think.
These were the only mummies I had so I couldn't even form a unit of them 😔
But since this was still Undead era (and not Vampire Counts crap) I could field Mummy Tomb King hero - and the model with crown and flail definitely looks like a character! He's even carrying magic items: Flail of Skulls and Crown of Something Else! 🤩
These were the only mummies I had so I couldn't even form a unit of them 😔
But since this was still Undead era (and not Vampire Counts crap) I could field Mummy Tomb King hero - and the model with crown and flail definitely looks like a character! He's even carrying magic items: Flail of Skulls and Crown of Something Else! 🤩
It was really tough character but also really slow. So I decided tu put him on skeleton steed. Legs of the other mummy (one with 3 spikes-crown) fitted undead horse just right so I chopped both models waist down and switched their legs.
I've never glued new character onto it's mount. Never seen it in combat either and until now - never gave it any paintjob. In fact shortly after performing that morbid surgery Vampite Counts army appeared so my damaged mummies have fallen into oblivion.
Until now.
It turned out I was able to switch back legs of the models, fill the gaps and add some missing bandages so now they're fine and frisky. For ancient and reanimated cadavers that is.
I've never glued new character onto it's mount. Never seen it in combat either and until now - never gave it any paintjob. In fact shortly after performing that morbid surgery Vampite Counts army appeared so my damaged mummies have fallen into oblivion.
Until now.
It turned out I was able to switch back legs of the models, fill the gaps and add some missing bandages so now they're fine and frisky. For ancient and reanimated cadavers that is.
Whole that living the past events is worrying me. The longer I'm here the more often I turn back from looking into the future, looking into the past instead. Anyway - here they are: