Saturday, June 11, 2022

Juggernaut (Khador)

Recently some of my trusty Cryx models have been rescued from the pile-of-shame tar pit so there was a plan to paint some more candies for Warhammer Undead army for a change. But before that I decided to paint little (well not that little actually) something for my buddy to boost him to get rest of his Warmachine's Khador force painted.
Or at least assembled... 🙄

That's right: back days before all those utterly stupid units have been released Warmachine was just over the top game. Few week back we were talking about it and decision was made to take old warjacks for a walk. My friend used to run Khador army, but from what I know his old models have been sold long time ago, so now new force is being grown.

What you see below is Khador's heavy warjack - Juggernaut.
It's one of core units of this faction: heavily armored, strong hitting and reliable. Not even mentioning the fact it's metal model! 😍

Usually Khador models are painted red - according to the fluff these are kinda steampunk Ruskies. I've never liked it so this one was done using mostly "natural" colors. Red elements were added for nice contrast. I like the final result - hope this model will encourage my trusty old foe to get rest of models painted. Playing with unpainted stuff aint's worth battle report 🙄

And little technical thing:
Recently I read about some blogger updates. There must be something about it, because I've been getting e-mail notifications about new comments under posts - which don't appear on the blog. No idea what's the reason but I'm more then grateful for constant support 😊 

Duel of the classics - Juggernaut vs Slayer:

Scale shot: scrap thralls about to perform death burst suicide attack:


  1. Painted models do not fight better. They just die more gracefully. Nice job by the way. Juggy looks really solid.

  2. Looks good! If anything, I think this paint scheme makes it look even more "steampunk Soviet".

  3. Zdjęcia trochę nieostre, ale modele jakby faktycznie były wysmarowane oliwą i smarami. Dobra robota!

  4. Thanks!

    @NoSuchAgency: well after painting US army for Bolt Action I just can't stop using olives and greens whenever I get a chance! 😵

    @quidamcorvus: ta, jest coś z tymi zdjęciami - nadal nie mogę wyczuć nowego aparatu. Majstruję z ustawieniami zmieniam tła ale nadal to nie jest to o co mi chodzi.
    Ale prędzej czy później znajdę o co biega 😉

  5. Your weathering techniques on the Juggernaut and Slayer are exquisite. Two big thumbs up!

    1. Cheers mate!
      When it comes to painting Warmachine stuff - years of working on weathered junk have finally paid off! 😁
