Tuesday, January 5, 2021

M8 Scott "Hunter"

Heya in 2021!

There's not much winter outside so I had to summon some myself!
Not that I like it (I actually hate winter, riding bike on icy streets sucks like hell!) but I decided to participate in historical themed painting contest (you can see entries here) and tried to paint something different than olive green. 
Repainted infantry mix presented a while back is my first entry. Must say I  found winter themed army much more interesting than everything-green so there's a chance more models will be repainted this fashion.

As for the model itself it's one of the funniest pieces in US arsenal, kinda remainds me that jumping thing from oldie Moon Patrol game. Don't have high hopes about it on the battlefield but it still might turn out to be the black horse of the game, as underestimated unit.

Hope you and the judges like it. Now back to COVID isolation.   
