Last evening there was a lecture about conquering Elbląg 80 years ago, which was mentioned earlier. It was also part of hobby event from last weekend, so results of painting competition were also announced yesterday.
Just like in case of soviet OT 34/85 painted for the contest, also IS-2 brought me some more hobby stuff: German paint set + some US winter infantry, which is great, because:
1. I am now working on some Foliescu's brilliant German infantry;
2. I was planning to expand my winter G.I. force by another squad so it fits Bolt Action v3 requirements.
So here's the loot - too bad they didn't give some free time so I could deal with it shortly 🙄
And here you can read about last evening event (Polish only). There was also photo report attached (here). As you can imagine on each end every public event there's a chance for a local goof to show up. Here's ours - never miss opportunity to mess somebody's day 🤪
Till the next time.