After dealing with the captured IS-2 I decided to support that thing with some basic infantrymen: tanks operating without infantry are nothing but easy prey for enemy anti-tank squads. I don't play German army but last year (almost exactly one year ago surprisingly!) I got Foliescu's Hetzer, together with some test prints. Among them - few winter Germans.
Must admit I haven't painted any human miniatures designed by Foliescu so far, but these are just frigging brilliant. Detail quality is awesome, also proportions are much better then original Bolt Action models. They also seem to be slightly taller, but I guess it's because models were created in proper 28 mm scale.
Models below come from different sets: ordinary infantry and vehicle crew, but painted similar way they look great as squad of eastern front veterans. Especially the two about to engage in hand to hand combat. Models are light (prints after all) so just in case I ever get more of these - base got magnets, just like soviet assault squad. The guy carrying MP40 Schmeisser is from Stoessi's Heroes line - it's slightly smaller compared to his comrades, yet the sculpt is also damn cool and fits the squad.
Deadly combat with United States G.I.s is about to start!
And yeah: I DO NEED winter themed photo backdrop... 🙄
They look really awesome, no doubt about that. Even in the thaw!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteTrue solider has to deal with each and every enviroment condition - even ridiculous! 🤪
Trochę ostrość na zdjęciach uciekła, ale faktycznie wzory wygląda fajnie.
ReplyDeleteDobrze wyszło Ci to malowanie!
Dzięki, ostatnio chyba trochę na odwal cykam zdjęcia - może jeśli zacznę znów grać to zapał wróci i zdjęć będzie więcej niż tylko pierwsze z aparatu od razu do galerii 😉
DeleteVery nice work indeed - well done!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sir! =]