Friday, March 18, 2022

Nash (Gaslands)

Last month Black Sunshine has left the painting desk. Must admit working on those tiny cars is much more challenging then it might appear but also brings ton of fun. So after having the first test game of Gaslands I decided to convert next model more game-wise: 
twin-linked machine guns is what every responsible driver needs on Anarchy Road...

Just like before I tried keeping conversions simple. It's kinda like painting: the less (colors) - the better result. Glass was replaced with mesh - it's badass and very post-apo / Mad Max style. Other bits were taken from Implements of Carnage conversion set. At first I wanted to replace original engine with smaller one but all in all I put steel plate and da gunzzz on the bonnet. The model got also extra bumper and conversion job was done.

Initially I wanted to paint it different then the prevoius car, but since they are part of same gang, they should wear same colors and gang marks. I like it: simple but effective. And that means all I need to get whole gang finished is painting remaining Land Rover Defender...

And here's the model before modification. Must say I like upgraded one better... πŸ˜‹


  1. Nice one. Pics are much better than last time. Both cars looks solid and ready to take on highway. WRUUUM!

  2. Cheers,

    Pics are better indeed - the camera has finally got proper white balance (I think) so there was no need to adjust it in post production. Hope you're ready to get ass... Eeee... Rear bumper kicked big time! ☠

  3. Wow, what a conversion. I have to say I'm terrified of thinking of conversions at this scale, but this one is seamless. Pretty cool!

  4. That's so fucking cool! Love the Mad Max vibes.

  5. Thanks guys - glad you like them!
    Next in line Land Rover is getting dozer blade - I am considering splatting lotta bloog on it... 😈

  6. The original is kind of cartoony or chibi, but your end result has a kind of rat rod look with the high set oversized wheels and matte paint. These look great!

  7. "Rat rod" - that's another supercool expression I got from you.
    Educational value of this bloggy is just undisputable! 😍
