Sunday, June 9, 2024

Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster

It's good to be dead.

I mean: it's good to be BACK... ekhem, ekhem... Right...

Recent months were some sort of tornado in every aspect of my life: the fact it took me 2 months to paint anything speaks for itself. But there's still everlasting plan to paint models I have during the lifetime so every little counts I guess.
There're many miniatures I'd love to see rescued from the pile of shame, but the one chosen this time is kinda special. With no doubts it's one of my most favotite models ever made: 

Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster.

Not mentioning it's background, the fact there's RPG campaign based on Kemmler's malicious plotting, the sculpt is just Middlehammer's classic. In fact it's the 3rd or maybe even 4th Kemmler sculpt I've painted so far. 

Like many models from the Middlehammer range it doesn't fit models in the unit. No fu#king way. To deal with this problem at first I wanted to put it on slightly larger base (25 mm) but this would also ruin unit's composition. The solution was using even larger base - 40 mm: model fits the unit and also I could add 3 skeletons rising from the ground, so no one can say it's just a filler 😋

It's unique model so decision was made to give it unorthodox paintjob. Most versions of this piece it rather dark, so I painted mine in fashion of ordinary (evil) wizard. It still has rather healthy flesh tone and rather clean hair and beard which makes him rather regular guy (among evil wizards). The staff's top has been taken from zombie dragon - original part broke off a while back and while I am pretty sure I still have it, I thought every way to make model look different is worthy trying. Ok, here's the guy:

Take care 💀


  1. Oh, that's quite an original paintjob, I really like how your palette makes him look so different! Really cool choices!

  2. Thank you!
    I am really glad I've managed to finish this one at all - during last months I was just SO unmotivated for doinr anything hobby-related, getting anything crossod off the list is a success! 😉

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers dude!
      Waorking on those old bits is pure fun! 😉

  4. Replies
    1. Dzięki ^^
      Pewnie jeszcze jakieś charaktery walają się po obejściu więc prędzej czy później Heinrich dostanie towarzystwo 😉

  5. Dobrze wyszedł! Fajnie, że kolejny model udało ci się pomalować!

    1. Dzięki piękne, jeszcze trochę tego szrotu zostało do odgruzowania 😉

  6. Early career Heinrich. Looks ace.

    1. Thanks a lot!
      Wasn;t sure about bright color choice but all in all it's acceptable 💀

  7. Uwielbiam tego ludka. I jeszcze świetnie pomalowany!

  8. Awww... 🤗
    Prawdę mówiąc nie spodziewałem się że Heinrich wzbudzi takie zainteresowanie. Muszę się rozejrzeć czy aby nie walają się jeszcze jakieś inne charaktery z armii Undeadów.

  9. Great work mate - hope things are going well now!

    1. Thanks a lot - glad you like it!

      And yeah - getting better I guess 😉
