Sunday, June 30, 2024

OT 34/85 (painting contest)

And here's the second entry for Strategie historical wargaming painting contest. Once again it's winter themed model but this time from soviet army. Although I don't play this army this model has been rotting in the pile of shame for quite a long time now so I thought I might do it a favor and save it from almost inevitable oblivion.

As for color choice I tried to use similar tones to M4A3 Sherman painted some time ago. Must say I really like that one and in my opinion it's pretty hard to make just boring green tank a bit more interesting. To break basic green some artifical snow was added so the model fits sovied assault squad painted a while back.

This version of tank is equipped with hull mounted flamethrower instead of standard mediom machine gun so I borrowed flame effect from Cryx Defiler. Back days I wasn't sure about using such add ons but now I regret I have only one to swap between models. Must check if I can get any more especially for Cryx death-chickens. That's it for now - back to work 😑

This is what it was when I found it in the bits box btw 😁

Take care o/

Saturday, June 29, 2024

US infantry (winter war) #3

Not sure it's because it's been bloody hot here recently, but just a while ago I've managed to finish another bunch of US soliders from upcoming defenders of Bastorne army project (you can see rest of the guys here - squad #1 and here - squad #2). From what I can see these were the last unpainted infantry models from US range I could find - for sure from winter war range.

There's another reason for bringing out Bolt Action stuff on the painting station instead of something for Slaanesh Chaos Army project, and that reason is historical wargaming painting contest (only Polish language). It's periodical event but it's always fun: I guess you can see there models from less popular ranges - mostly wargaming models instead of dedicated display pieces.

I tried to keep similar color choice as on the previous winter squads so they all mix nicely when placed on the battlefield. Also tried not to overdo snow effect. Some artifical snow is just great for the contrast but too much of this stuff can easily ruin the paintjob (I screwed my Dodge 3/4 battle taxi this way).

I know the backdrop kinda sucks for winter themed models but it's the best I could get for my camera settings. Tried several times and have no idea how can I get proper colors using neutral background - like white sheet of paper or something like that. Here they are anyway. There's also vehicle for the same contest coming so stay tuned!

And the whole winter infantry at this stage. I think I might re-paint some old GIs winter fashion, so defenders of Bastogne can get full squads.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster

It's good to be dead.

I mean: it's good to be BACK... ekhem, ekhem... Right...

Recent months were some sort of tornado in every aspect of my life: the fact it took me 2 months to paint anything speaks for itself. But there's still everlasting plan to paint models I have during the lifetime so every little counts I guess.
There're many miniatures I'd love to see rescued from the pile of shame, but the one chosen this time is kinda special. With no doubts it's one of my most favotite models ever made: 

Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster.

Not mentioning it's background, the fact there's RPG campaign based on Kemmler's malicious plotting, the sculpt is just Middlehammer's classic. In fact it's the 3rd or maybe even 4th Kemmler sculpt I've painted so far. 

Like many models from the Middlehammer range it doesn't fit models in the unit. No fu#king way. To deal with this problem at first I wanted to put it on slightly larger base (25 mm) but this would also ruin unit's composition. The solution was using even larger base - 40 mm: model fits the unit and also I could add 3 skeletons rising from the ground, so no one can say it's just a filler 😋

It's unique model so decision was made to give it unorthodox paintjob. Most versions of this piece it rather dark, so I painted mine in fashion of ordinary (evil) wizard. It still has rather healthy flesh tone and rather clean hair and beard which makes him rather regular guy (among evil wizards). The staff's top has been taken from zombie dragon - original part broke off a while back and while I am pretty sure I still have it, I thought every way to make model look different is worthy trying. Ok, here's the guy:

Take care 💀