Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mercurian maculator

Finally something else than US army!
Finally a true blast from the past!
Algeroth's very own... MERCURIAN MACULATOR!

It's actually bigger brother of the mercurian maculator I've painted a while back. This one is way bigger, even more goofy but still has that spirit of oldschool Warzone game. I think.
Gamewise it's just piece of crap: lookinn at model you may get feeling it's able to rip enemy tanks apart with bare hands, like carnifex or other space monstrocity, but instead it can be taken down even by solid bunch of well motivated undead legionnaires.

But it's big so looks good in the display case. And I got opportunity to test some tricks while waiting for artifical snow delivery for KV-2 soviet tank.  

I love Paul Bonner's original artwork but wanted to see mine more orginal. Since I have Algeroth (and Demnogonis...) force the obvious color choice was red. 

So, ladies and gentlemen...



And a family shot: just look at these cute, tiny necromutants!

Unboxing: thank to shrink wrap here was still that air from the careless past... 



  1. Awesome paintjob and awesome figure!

    1. Thanks for kind words 😄
      The model is unique - that's for sure, brings back lots of memories.

  2. Well done :) I've the first edition metal mercurian maculator and one day I will paint it ;)

  3. Damn, that's huge! I really like your take on this one, I have to say your choice of palette is even better than the original, the flesh looks so great!

  4. @Katsuhiko JiNNai: go fot it! Such a beautie cannot remain unpainted any longer! 😁

    @Suber: thanks mate, glad you like it! Red is color of Algeroth - that's for sure. The other thing is paints delivery is delayed so I didn't have any greens or blues to use on this one! 😊

  5. Czy to jest słynna "merkuriańska ohyda"? Przed zobaczeniem Twojego malowania do głowy by mi nie przyszło, że da się pomalować ten model nie ohydnie :P Świetna robota i odważny dobór kolorów.

    1. Dzięki!

      Linia Warzona ma wiele takich "paskud" na sumieniu - chociażby biogigant...
      Ale jak już ktoś zwrócił uwagę: stare zabawki + nowe malowanie to często bardzo ciekawy rezultat 😊

  6. Wow, that's a punch on the face for sure! I grew up KNOWING these were green.

    I meant, back at the day we got artwork, and we got the official studio paintjob. There were no way to imagine things on a different way unless someone else did, and I'm certain that's a mini I haven't seen many times so chances for it not being green were slim.

    I...kinda like it. The paint job feels better executed than the official one yet there is something beneath certain of my brain that screams "but it's not green!!"

    Target games / heartbreaker hobbies had their own merits giving their line so much character (wether you may like their style or not) and they had truly big resin models way before other manufacturers even tried.

    The art where this dude fights a Mishima dragon bike is epic.

    🤘 Facemelting post

  7. Taki trochę necroposting, ale dosłownie dziś wpadł mi w ręce ten model w stanie mint i w poszukiwaniu inspiracji trafiłem tutaj. Malowanie jak zwykle klasa, zgadzam się, że nowe farby i umiejętności mogą zrobić cuda nawet z naj...mniej fajnych modeli WZ.
    Możesz mi zdradzić, jak usunąłeś tę wielką oryginalną podstawkę?
