Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Undead legionnaires

Warzone stuff rulez! ðŸĪ˜ðŸŧ

The initial plan was to paint another Corporate team for battle report game, but after I found these rotten fellas on the bottom of Warzone-junk-jar, I just couldn't stop myself. These deaders represent the first (blue armour) and the second (red guns) edition of the game. The naked one is kinda mystery model - if I remember correctly is was sold packed by three models (the other one was painted 10 years ago). No idea who sculpted this, but it's just 100% full of oldschool vibe. Brings back lots of memories.

While these minis were being undercoated I just wanted to add them to existing squads, so there's horde of space zombies in the battle report. But after closer examination it turned out, these sculpts were just too cool to deserve tabletop painting only. Each and every one has lots of juicy details making paintwork pure pleasure. Maybe except for the one with red gun and loincloth. This is weirdo even for Warzone standards. It actually look more like some cosmo-goblin, rather then proper animated corpse. But I guess Dark Apostles aren't picky when it comes to gathering forces.

Looking at them now I got that feeling they are RPG characters, rather just undead cannon fodder. Hope to find more of them and cannot wait to see them raging on the battlefield! 💀

So here they are: storming squad led by golem of darkness:

And here - the same squad about to be scorched by Cybertronic Eradicator Deathdroid:

And the fresh corpses...

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Fuel dump

I was actually hoping for painting some corporate mercenaries for the coming Warzone game, but somehow decision was made to add some terrain features for battle report purpose. A while back I made scenic backdrop with with some terrain bits on it (like the one behind secret kohorts unit) but it turned out that static terrain doesn't help much. Big models or large units cannot be arranged as easily as I was hoping for, so all in all I could use only the middle part of the base.

To fix that I removed  the terrain pieces and re-sanded the base so it's fully available for models. Spare parts were placed on separate base as some post-apo fuel station or something. The big one is from Ramshackle games set - you can find lots of supercool stuff there, especially for vehicles and terrain building.  

So here it is: fuld dump based on oil drums set defended by Cybertronic chasseurs:

So here's the base with no crap on it:

And objective marker for the coming game!

See you in the field 💂

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Apparently Dark Legion just got another heavy hitter. After painting nasca razide decision was made to give a try to it's big brother from 1997. I've always loved that model - from what I recall it was one of the first models from Warzone 2nd edition I've seen, and it was just totally new level of sculpting quality compared to most of earlier minis from the range.

The sculpt is pretty unique - it's left arm is kinda damaged like it's been grabbed with pliers or something. It's pretty weird 'cause it's surely not my job, so I guess it had some serious discussion with it's creator yet in factory (or in Algeroth's spawning chambers). I didn't fix it, instead it was painted as battle wounds and it turned out pretty cool.

As for the deaders on the pic these were taken of unholy carronade's base. After the cannon got new chassis (tracked instead of wheeled) these two were just collecting dust in the corner of display case. And now, thank to some battle surgery they can prodly cross the battlefield filling the evil will of Dark Apostles...

...ooor trying to stop razide from getting inside the bunker, like this one ðŸĪŠ

Last evening I've read ruleset for 2nd edition of Warzone. For the very first time in my life. Rules are pretty simple and game is MUCH more balanced compared to it's previous edition. It even seems I should have enough models to assemble small mercenary patrol, so sooner or later battle report should appear... Over & out. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Nasca Razide (Warzone)

The end of year is coming and Warzone is on a roll!

Funny thing about it, but for some mysterious reason autumn / winter is somehow the best moment for painting oldschool junk. My guess: it's subconscious thing - I remember I got lured into Warzone trap when it was cold, so the terapist might find some connection... 

Crazy or not since do-gooders got some reinforcements, it was fair to paint something for The Evil Side. The beefcake below is nasca razide from Dark Eden line (Warzone on Earth simply speaking). Must admit I wasn't sure about this model and in the middle of painting I was considering washing it off to start again but all in all model turned out to be pretty cool. It's main flaw is too much muscles on the top (it falls easily) but apart of that - it's classic, goofy piece of art from oldie Warzone.  

As for paintwork I decided to keep it "fleshy" instead of violet like on official artwork. Somehow it's totally not my cup of tea. The only violet or blue skin tone in Warzone I can stand is Nepharite of Semai and praetorian stalkers ^^ 
The gun is just chunk of metal. There was a plan to add some color buttons or stickers but that would make it look like Nerf gun, rather then Algeroth's death device. Plus it's pretty dark and that makes nice contrast with rather monotone model.

Bare flesh is kinda plain so I tried to give it "texture" by adding some cuts. Now I can see I should finally invest in some better quality brush for such task but all in all I cannot complain. Neither can mr razide.

So here it is: facing Cybertronic patrol on Luna's outskirts:

And here about to gun down necromutants commando:

And da beefcake itself:

And the last thing. You might have noticed the globe counter on the right panel has been replaced. About 2 weeks ago that thing simply disappeared. Turned out it was shut down and that's just it. Tried to find some replacement so there's brand new, blue globe spinning right now, but it doesn't seem to show any visits. I'll try to look into it ðŸĪ”

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Carter Special Agents (Nick Michaels & Quatto)

After crossing off the list Cryx robo-chicken hybrid I decided to take a step back and work on some old farts from oldie Warzone line. I still have lots of these beauties waiting for some care but this time I decided to save something really ugly from the abyss of oblivion: 

special agent Nick Michaels and field medic. They both are going to reinforce RPG based Cartel Agents squad.

It took me about a week to start painting after these two were dragged out from acid bath and undercoated. For years, I mean like 15-20 years (!) I was pretty sure Nick Michaels is one of the most horrid sculpts from Warzone line ever made, so I had no steam even to point a brush in direction of that piece. 

Thank Satan I was just so wrong!

After working a bit on it turned out there's pretty cool, oldschool model there! Sure it's kinda static but who cares? It was spawned in 1996! It's weapons are clumsy but hey - just check armament in WH 40000 world 🙄 And it has Dune Nukem's face!

The other guy is supposed to be Michaels' sidekick / team medic. It's pretty simple sculpt but pretty evecathing - bright armour contrasting with dark elements always looks cool. It's face is kinda weird though - reminds me Quatto from original Total Recall movie. See? 😁

Really looking forward to find some more corporate models from Warzone line to add some more Doom Troopers to the team! The family pic: death squad supported by Mishima merc:

And just below: Doom Troopers trying to stop deadly praetorian stalkers from breaching the bunker's entrance: 

See ya in the past!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Deathripper (Cryx)

It's the end of October and yet I've managed save another model from the pit of oblivion! 
Woo-hoo! ðŸĨģ

Surprisingly it's another plastic model from Warmachine new line, but contrart to those ghastly bane thralls - working on Toruk's lap dog - deathripper - was lots of fun. This model is part of Cryx leftovers my friend was getting rid of a while back, so I got it with missing head. That wasn't really a problem: although original model has skull and jaw, it can be easily replaced with almost any weapon you can imagine and robot would still look cool!

For example the previous deathripper was assembled using chaos terminator chain fist as the weapon. I couldn't find any spare termie fists this time, but I had spare killa kan's crushing claw - which turned out to be perfect robo-head prosthesis ðŸ‘ū

Color choice is my typical olive green mix - Cryx models look pretty cool and kinda believable painted this way. Blood stains should look really nice on such armour. So here it is:

And here family photo: Iron Lich Asphyxious is taking death chicken herd for a walk:

And here death chicken is about to feed on some mechanithralls led by necrosurgeon:

Off for some more Warmachine excavation...

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Bane thralls

A while back I got unit of Bane thralls from Cryx faction to paint. These are models from the "new wave" - crappy plastic 😒 It's not that new actually - if I remember correctly these sculpts were released around 2013, but I am simply way back after whatever Privateer Press releases, since they started making plastic models. 

It's the very first plastic unit from Warmachine line so this post is also kinda review. 
What's my opinion?

It's crap.

Old bane thralls were so much better.

I know plastic is cheaper then metal, I know metal prices are much higher then used to be, but these models is unit of hovering crap and I won't mind using them as cannon fodder if we can arrange Wamachine match ever again. Too bad really - I used to be big fan of Warmachine back days.

As for colors I tried to use vivid colors - I know I should expect something else from spectres, but such candies are much more eyecatching on the battlefield, the these guys are only tabletop models. Painting them was pain in the ass and I just so glad to get it done. Bases are from Micro Art Studio set which I mentioned about the last time.

So here are the pics:

Here Squad Blue is about to rip part bloat thrall - Cryx mobile artillery:

And here Squad Pink is getting ready to dismantle Slayer helljack ðŸ˜Ē :

And some group shots. Deeply hope I will never paint any plastic model from Warmachine:

Monday, September 30, 2024

Spoils of war

Yesterday courier delivered the last part of spoils of recent painting contest, which turned out to be more then successful for my hobby zone. Thank to paintjob I did on OT 34/85 (flamethrower tank) and winter infantry assault squad my hobby supplies got by:
-    set of resin bases from Micro Art Studio,
-    IS-2 heavy tank from Modelmania,
-    rust & chipping effects from Rebel.

Must say the Cosmos itself must have guided guys, who were choosing this stuff because all is what I am hoping to use shortly!

Right now I am working on bane thralls unit for Warmachine Cryx force, so these skull bases should fit perfectly spectres hovering over ancient battlefield. It's actually the very first plastic unit from Warmachine line I am working on and must sadly admit - it's f#@king crap compared to it's metal predecessors... ðŸĪŽ

The other piece is IS-2 heavy tank for Bolt Action. Funny thing because before it arrived I was thinking about the entry for the next edition for the painting contest and suddenly, out of the blue, 46 tons of solution came to my door. These tanks come with assault squad (just like this one) so looks like I got entries for 2 categories.

And the last thing is rust and chipping effects set from Vallejo line. Most of paints I use is Vallejo and I really like this brand, so I am more than happy I got new effects to test. It's rather for painting wrecks but I actually might use it on my next contest entry so close the circle. Soviet armour is not much more then mobile wreck after all 😁

Till the next time!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Doomriders (undead cavalry)

Apparently bunch of skeletons left the closet!

And not only skellies but their meaty mounts as well! That means Army of the dead just got some fast unit (if we can really call anything fast in Undead army). Models you see below are deaders from Black Tree Design line. I got them long time ago so it was high time to see if there's anything going oin in their graves - and there was: boys sure wanted to take a ride...

Painting skeletons is always fun. Too bad these riders have only one version of mount. Sure it's oldchool and has lots of Oldhammer vibe, but painting another version of the very same sculpt is just boring. That's why I gave them different tones - just to make the team bit more interesting looking from over tabletop. Not mentioning the fact in old army books there were colorful zombies (green, yellow or even blue) - not total "grimdark" like nowdays... 🙄

I am big fan of metal models but after dealing with these guys I am pretty sure plastic or resin would be better material. Since everything is metal I didn't manage to pin bits together so there was only superglue used to bring them back to life. And that's the problem - I am pretty sure those heavy shields would be the first to fall off in case of any accident. 
Oh well - at least I don't play WFB anyore so it shouldn't be an issue... 😕

To lead them to battle there's mighty wight lord (painted also this year) and Leopold the Exhumed - which I got no idea how and when (most probably by accident during miniature swap ages ago). On the very bottom of "undead jar" there are some broken parts of skeleton horsemen staggering - I should check if I can assemble any complete models using those bones, 'cuz right now they become part of bases - just like Great Unclean One's...

Hope you like them anyway. Time to decide which models should be next saved from the depths of oblivion.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Great Unclean One

Long time no see. Again... 🙄

For some mysterious reason painting stuff takes me more and more time - my guess the reason was that goddamn summer so Cthulhu be praised for there's autumn ahead.

Anyway today I've finally managed to finish oldie Great Unclean One model from early 2000's. It's probably 4th or 5th G.U.O. piece I painted so far but somehow working on versions of this rotting dude is always ton of fun. Since I had absolutely no gaming use for this model I decided to paint it kinda different way - blue is pretty original tone then it comes to Nurgle stuff. Looking at painted piece I must say I like that color combo.

Like I said I have no use for it so at the end of painting progress decision was made to make a souvenir of this chaotic blob. It's pretty big and eye-catching model so it should look decent in any self respecting office 😎

So here it is: charging troll mutant, straight from rad-zone:

And here: about to devour whole NBC suit squad!

And finally solo session - after eating everything and everyone:

Take care ðŸĶŸ