Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Mounted wight lord

While cleaning painting desk  once again I've stumbled upon some conversion bits I wanted to assemble and paint for a long time: mounted wight lord based on zombie dragon's rider. The model is based on  wight torso and 4th ed necromancer's legs and pony - painting necromancer was also on my shameful list but all in all decision was made to swap parts to make both models unique.

Initially the idea was to paint it grimdark way - which seems to be kinda popular nowdays. But while undercoating the model I changed my mind: it's oldschool model after all so it deserves properly oldschool paintjob - which fits Undead Army Project. Keeping strong contrast on painted miniatures is always good idea so I decided for black armour combined with bright blade and barding (or whatever the hell is the name of horse's clothing).

Painting something colorful is a really nice change after working on Bolt Action (mostly monotone) stuff. Besides after over solid 20 years I've finally found proper use of those ridiculous decals from oldie skeleton warriors boxes 💀

Anyway my display case Undead got another wight commander (the previous one was mounted on wyvern). Looks like now I have check if there are any jobless mounted undead models in the pile of shame to provide a company for the new undead character. 

So here's the necro-candy:

And the scale shot: wight lord commanding unit of skellies:


  1. The choice of colours, although unusual, recalls the colourful period of the Nineties, and breaks the black/white monotony of the rest of the army.
    Perhaps the blue colour of the horse's "caparison"(!) is little used by the armies of evil...but this gives an excellent starting point for creating a dark story about the wight: "Once upon a time there was a valiant Bretonnian knight who, however, one day. .."

    1. What, the undead can't just loot stuff they like the looks of? 😄

  2. Ciekawa koncepcja posadzenia na koniu lorda ze smoka. Grunt żeby sprawdzał się w boju!

  3. @Rodor: you're reading my mind! While painting I was imagining this one as evil battle-necromancer, witch king or something like that. As for the colors - IMO those blue and pale violet tones have that "funeral" vibe, which perfectly fits aristocracy of the night! 🧛🏻‍♂️

    @Pepe: dzięki!
    Obawiam się że jest mała szansa że ten pacjent ujrzy pole walki - do 5. edycji jestem mocno zniechęcony, z kolei do 6. zdecydowanie mam za mało modeli żeby wystawić trupy 🥺
    Co nie zmienia faktu, że zamierzam odkopać wystarczająco części, żeby domalować w/w nekro-szlachcicowi towarzystwo na konikach 😉

  4. Oh, man, this is as unexpected as impressive. Really cool choice of bits, the final result is much more than the combination of the elements, I love it.

  5. Jeny jakie granie na sentymentach :) Jak zobaczyłem tego lorda od razu przypomniał mi się mój metalowy zielony zombi dragon z 5ed :)

  6. @Suber: glad youlike it! We (old fart painters) share similar taste when it comes to classic miniatures! 😁

    @ARBAL: No w tym temacie nie oczekuj ode mnie litości 😋
    Następny model w kolejce z serii "fantasy" też będzie trupem i coś czuję że Ci się spodoba... 😎

  7. Świetnie wyglądający oddział. :)

  8. Dzięki, żal dupę ściska że przeciwnika raczej nie ujrzą 😟

    1. Nigdy nie wiadomo, zresztą nie ma się co oszukiwać, w większości nie malujemy tych modeli po to żeby grać, tylko żeby malować. ;)

  9. Nice work, it's a little bit different from your typical necro lord but I don't think that's a bad thing. The color will definitely help him stand out from the rest of the army. Plus you did a great job on that barding: not overly ornate but the color is rich and pleasing.

    1. Thank you sir!
      Must admit I wasn't sure about this model until it got varnished. Deeply hope zombie dragon will be at least that eye-catching 😉

  10. Brilliant really great use of parts to create an amazing figure
