Sunday, June 23, 2019

V Elblag modelling festival


This one is something rather unexpected, I should call is father's day gift from the fate.
Like on Friday or Thursday  evening I spotted info in local portal about modelling contest on Saturday and Sunday. As it turned out it was 5th, annual event.
I had no idea there were so many people interested in this stuff living nearby, not mentioning there were also guests from other regions of Poland.
According to local news there were ~100 participants and ~300 models!

It was dedicated to "pro" modellers: scales like 1:35, 1:72, 1:700, cardboard models etc, but there was no problem in bringing any otler minis.
Which I did:
I had absolutely nothing prepared for the event so brought some models I liked (for diffrent reasons) to present my stuff and probe this new, unexplored enviroment.

Models are took were:

(More about Sherman Calliope here - pics and here - building)

(Gotta take new pics of this one, original ones are hosted on damn Photobucket...)

After checking other works I didn't think my junk can score anything but in the end models brought me 3 prizes (zombie bust didn't make it tho - sorry Trowański...).
All in all it was fun, and not only I brought shiny stuff back home. Next year I hope to prepare something dedicated to the event.

I also took some pics but most of them were fucked because of strong sunlight. But here's what's worthy sharing. Quality is poor - none of photos were edited (except for resizing) or enchanced:





  1. Hell yeah! Congratulations! And thanks for spread word about this event. I need to prepare something for next edition!

  2. Replies
    1. Loved that one too, sadly it looks like machine guns were falsy... =(


  3. Replies
    1. Dzięki stary, dostałem +3 do respektu u dziecka ;-)

    2. I dobrze, dziecko powinno mieć odpowiedniego idola. :)

    3. Niby tak,

      Po tym jak zobaczył że rozdają świecidełka stwierdził że też wystartuje. Inna sprawa że z reguły zapału starcza mu na 1,5 dnia... ;-)
