Monday, August 12, 2024

Ogre mercs - finished!

It's been a while but recently I simply have no steam for painting. I suppose it's because of that damn sun - it's so hot you can almost see steam over wet palette. Because of this I am even more happy I've managed to cross off another model from ye liste of shame

This one is special - ogre champion from Knightmare Games range, which was part of Oldhammer Weekend 2022 prize box. Not only the model is just super cool, with strong Middlehammer vibe, but it's also the last model my ogres were looking for to form full unit (you can see other guys here #1, here #2, here #3, here #4 and here #5).

I tried to keep color choice similar to rest of the squad so they all look coherent and keep Middlehammer spirit and must say I like the final result. My only regret is I paint so slow and there were other supercool models in the prize box still waiting for some attention (like hobgoblins or even more skeletons...).

As for the lil' undead-familiar it's ordinary skeleton from Rackham's Confrontation range. I found it together with recently painted wulfen zombie, and simply couldn't just put it back to the bucket. These minis are just way too cute! 🤗

That's it for now - hope Army of the Dead will use the mercs properly to spead death and destruction in the Old World!


  1. Tak, upały takie, że zainwestowałem w przenośny klimatyzator w warsztacie i teraz malowanie to przyjemność.

    Świetny model ogra-landsknechta i bardzo fajnie go pomalowałeś!. :)

    1. Dzięki 😊
      Kiedyś bardzo podobały mi się te renesansowe krasnalki, ale teraz na myśl o malowaniu większej liczby tych bufiastych ciuchów - raczej bym zrezygnował 😋

      Co do klimatyzatora to ja zdecydowanie bym się nie odważył - wtedy nie miałbym wymówek, a tak mogę sobie marudzić do woli 😁

    2. "Co do klimatyzatora to ja zdecydowanie bym się nie odważył - wtedy nie miałbym wymówek, a tak mogę sobie marudzić do woli"

      No chyba, że tak. :D

  2. Oh, what's not to love about this? Simply awesome!

    1. Awwww you! 😍
      it's the law of Warhammer Fantasy: every model looks just great when placed in nice block!

  3. Middlehammerowego ducha udało się uchwycić, pomimo że nie pomalowałeś podstawek goblin greenem :D Zgrabny sekstet.
