I said it before and I can say it again: for me winter is best period to paint oldie Warzone stuff. No idea why but that's the fact, and another proof after Cartel agents death squad is Semai's favorite saboteur: metropolitan prophet.
This model is based on one of Paul Bonner's amazing mutant chronicles artworks (you see if on the bottom of the post). It's gaming rules were posted in the third supplement (Casaulties of war) so it's part of "new wave" of miniatures. New wave of Warzone 1st ed. stuff that is. Sculpt is just damn cool and much better quality of most of early miniatures. I had lots of fun painting this beautie but now I think it's time to work on some WW2 stuff for a change, to get proper perspective from all that candy stuff.
So here it is - dominating my painting station:
And here about to be arrested by NBC suit squad:
I wish that NBC squad luck. They're going to need it.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I am totally with you -- that original art work is magnificent.
Cheers dude ^^
DeleteI gotta check if there are any other EM4 models staggering around - these sculpts are kinda simple but full of character!
Dobrze to wygląda. Ale bardziej podoba mi się skład MBC. Poewr armora z znam z fallouta. Ale zwyklaki to wargames foundry? czy coś jeszcze innego?
ReplyDeleteDzięki, NBC to modele z EM4 - rzeźby Marca Copplestone'a więc na bank można dostać też w Wargames Foundry.
DeleteKiedyś w ramach rozliczeń ze sklepem dostałem cała linię sci-fi z EM4 i teraz sobie wykopuję z odmętów wiadra wstydu 😁