Sunday, January 14, 2024

The well (Black Grom Studio)

I am still waiting for Hetzer model to come (together with some other bitz to be used as Bolt Action terrain features) but as I'm trying to keep myself busy in every aspect of life - I've managed to cross off pair of wells from Black Grom Studio from shameful yet-to-do list.

I got these models few years back and must admit I totally forgot about them until I started looking for materials for the big forest few weeks back. Getting them done took like two evenings - most of the time took drying (pva glue, oil washes etc). These are pretty small terrain features, surely not as eye-catching as bunker for example, but in my opinion all those small bits add lots of character to the battlefield - especially in WW2 settings. I mean all those wrecked cars, barrels, oil drums stocks etc. 

Apart from fact wells look just cool and provide water supply for locals (or Dagon cultists in this particular case) they are big enough to provide solid cover for snipers, spotter, artillery observers and all other pain in the ass models staggering on the battlefield. Hope to see the on the battlefield on the next match. Some scale shots below:

The wells sauté - once again I can only recommend Black From Studio stuff 😊

And if you like wells, human tears and songs - Carpathian Forest recorded something which fits the mood perfectly... Merry blue Monday!💀


  1. Happy Blue Monday! 😁 The two wells are cool additions to the setting. For those who observe and do not play, as we do, attention to detail in wargames is important. Too often we have seen battlefield tables reduced to a green cloth with a few stunted trees here and there...

    1. Yeah, totally agree with you!
      I still suffer from early-stage-wargamer-trauma, when we were using some green rag to cover piece of floor, some piled book under the rag as hills and sticks from park as horizontal obstacles... What a nightmare!!! 🥶😁
