Thursday, December 7, 2023


When it comes to Bolt Action in my opinion what makes the games pop, are dense battlefields: with all those buildings, roads, fields, trees etc. So when I was starting my Bolt Action adventure I tried to build some trees and hedges to protect my trusty GIs from enemy's deadly gaze. This was actually my first attempt to create such terrain, and after several years of using is looks like crap: foliage is falling off and bushes flattened so they lost lots of combat value. Not mentioning it looks just bad.

So some time ago I decided to build something much more battle damage resistant. The hedges below are assumed to represent boccage which is almost impenetrable obstacles from Normandy battlefields. These are based on thick sponge covered with several layers of modelling flock and grinded sponge. Not sure it looks realistic but thank to more-less same size it's just great for gaming purposes. Might build several more to have enough green walls to place homestead or ploughfield within them. Models presented for scale purposes. 

The buildings used are from Black Grom Studio - I can definitely recommend that manufacturer! You can see some close ups of building I've assembled here. Take care!

Below you can see old terrain pieces. I was thinking about getting rid of those trees, but I might just replace foliage with something decent and these still might find some use πŸ€”


  1. Your new hedges look very convincing, thick enough to be a major obstacle - I don't know if they're that tall in real life, but they're fine for the game. As for your old hedges and trees, well...either a squad with flamethrowers has passed by or you've had a lot of fun playing them over the last few years!

  2. Cheers mate!
    Yeah, I made them to be used in games: they are tall enough to provide 100% cover to 28mm scale infantry. I know real boccage is even taller and wider, but that game table is only 72"x48" so I had to compromise 😁

    As for the old terrain bits - I am quite sure I can make use of them as soon as I replace old foliage with something more battle damage resistant ^^

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!
      Working on terrain pieces is fun - usually looks pretty nice 'cause it's watched from the distance 😁

  4. They look lovely! We don't tend to pay attention to this kind of pieces and it's amazing how much they add to a board. Nicely done!

    1. That's correct!
      I didn't realize what job gaming board does until I saw some Bolt Action battlefields in the flesh. Really cannot wait to see another sedction of the wood finished and ready for action😊
